Melinda Luthin of Corona Del Mar represents The Friends of the Fire Rings in court in response to the banning of bonfires on Newport Beach.

"Southern California's air quality regulator banned bonfires on Newport Beach for "political reasons," not to improve air quality, the nonprofit Friends of the Fire Rings claims in court.
Friends of the Fire Rings sued the South Coast Air Quality Management District in Orange County Superior Court.
It claims amendments of the board's rules violate the federal and state constitutions and the board's own rulemaking procedures.
The ban on fire rings on Newport Beach is "not rooted in a concern regarding air quality" but is all about politics, the group says.""The group claims the ban is "not even-handed" has no "rational basis" and bans fires in one place "while allowing the same activity in another location."
And it claims the ban deprives its beachgoing members of "low-cost entertainment" and access to beaches.
The Friends seek an injunction, civil penalties, damages and costs.
It is represented by Melinda Luthin of Corona del Mar." To read the full article, click here. Article by Matt Reynolds Photo by Ambrosia Brody of The Log